NFL Wins Major Victory as Judge Overturns $4.7 Billion 'Sunday Ticket' Verdict - Trendingknowledgelive

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NFL Wins Major Victory as Judge Overturns $4.7 Billion 'Sunday Ticket' Verdict

NFL Wins Major Victory as Judge Overturns $4.7 Billion 'Sunday Ticket' Verdict

NFL Sunday Ticket at the Super Bowl
NFL Sunday Ticket at the Super Bowl LIII Experience on January 29, 2019 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA(Image- Getty) 

A significant decision was made on Thursday when a US judge dismissed a $4.7 billion jury verdict in favor of "Sunday Ticket" subscribers who claimed they were overcharged by the National Football League (NFL). This ruling has substantial implications for both the NFL and its subscribers.

Impact of the Decision

The verdict, reached after nearly a decade of litigation, had found the NFL guilty of conspiring with member teams to artificially inflate "Sunday Ticket" prices for millions of residential and commercial subscribers. The jury awarded $4.7 billion in damages, which could have been tripled to $14 billion under US antitrust law. However, Judge Philip Gutierrez's decision to vacate the verdict means that subscribers will not receive these damages, and the NFL avoids a substantial financial blow.

Reasoning Behind the Judge's Ruling

Judge Gutierrez's decision was based on the flawed models used by two economic experts who testified on behalf of the subscribers. These experts attempted to draw parallels between college football and NFL game telecasts, but the judge found significant differences between the two. Without these experts' testimony, the judge ruled that a jury could not have determined that "Sunday Ticket" subscribers were overcharged. Additionally, Gutierrez deemed the damages amount "irrational" and based on inadmissible evidence.

Next Steps

The subscribers have the option to appeal the judge's ruling to the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals. To revive the case, they would need to demonstrate that Gutierrez made legal errors in excluding the two experts. The appeals process may take over a year, and further appeals to the US Supreme Court are possible.

In summary, the NFL has secured a significant victory with the overturning of the $4.7 billion verdict. However, the case may still be appealed, and the outcome remains uncertain.

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