Iran's Anti-Hijab Uprising Tragedy, Stricter Laws, Celebrity Crackdowns! - Trendingknowledgelive

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Iran's Anti-Hijab Uprising Tragedy, Stricter Laws, Celebrity Crackdowns!

 Iran's Anti-Hijab Uprising Tragedy, Stricter Laws, Celebrity Crackdowns!

Iran's Anti-Hijab Uprising Tragedy, Stricter Laws
Iran's Anti-Hijab Uprising Tragedy, Stricter Laws(Image-Getty)

A year ago, in Iran, there was an anti-hijab movement. Due to allegations of not wearing the hijab appropriately, the morality police of Iran forcibly took a 22-year-old girl named Mahsa Amini off the street. She later died in police custody. There were accusations of abuse against the police regarding Mahsa. This incident marked the beginning of the anti-hijab movement in various parts of Iran. This time, the government has decided to make the hijab law even more stringent. The bill is awaiting passage. Already, it has been announced that under the new law, if girls do not adhere to the dress code, they could face imprisonment for 5 to 10 years, along with fines of up to 7 million rupees.

Islamic Penal Code Article 368 addresses the hijab law. Previously, not wearing the hijab would result in punishment under this law. However, now the maximum punishment includes imprisonment from 10 days to 2 months, along with fines ranging from 97 to 977 rupees. Currently, the maximum fine is set at 7 million rupees. The prison term has been extended from 5 to 10 years. According to local media reports, protests against the infamous 'morality police' have escalated throughout the country. The administration states that wearing the hijab is mandatory for women in Iran. Those who refuse will be penalized, and a "re-education" process will be implemented. This is what the police call it. Essentially, it means providing "appropriate education" if the law is not followed.

It's not just about wearing the hijab; maintaining "virtue" among women is also emphasized. Failure to uphold moral purity could lead to punishment. However, not wearing the hijab properly is also considered a serious offense. If any celebrity breaks the law, their punishment will be even more severe, including confiscating one-tenth of their assets. They won't be able to work for a specific period, travel internationally, or use social media. Business owners who allow female employees to work without a hijab will face a three-month profit-based fine. Gender segregation will be more strictly enforced in universities, administrative offices, parks, tourist centers, and hospitals.

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