What is happiness in married life, said this model
What is happiness in married life, said this model
A few years ago, Italian model Jeremy Parisi married British model Kelly Brook. During a radio show, Brook revealed secret tips for a happy married life.
In the top show of Heart Radio called "Heart Drive with Jake and Kelly Brook," Kelly Brook stated, "I think I'm happy in my married life because I sleep naked. If you don't wear any clothes, your married life will be happy. Those who stay naked in bed have a stronger relationship."
A discussion is underway in the UK based on a survey that suggests sleeping naked brings happiness in married life. Among the survey participants, 43-year-old model Brook shared her thoughts. The show's presenter, Jason King, asked her, "Does anything literally (happen)?" Brook replied, "No."
Brook has been in a relationship with Jeremy since 2015 and got married to him last July, with Jeremy being six years younger than her. Jeremy, who is known as a model, has also been seen in the spotlight.
After starting her career as a model, Brook made her film debut with a small role in the movie "Sorted" in the year 2000. Since then, she has appeared in at least 12 films. She has also done presentations alongside her modeling career.