There is life on the moon, who are they? What is their identity? Growing mystery! - Trendingknowledgelive

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There is life on the moon, who are they? What is their identity? Growing mystery!

 There is life on the moon, who are they? What is their identity? Growing mystery!

Life in moon
There have been several expeditions to the moon, many information about the moon has been obtained from these expeditions. Research has shown that the moon is not suitable for habitation. But the moon's south pole crevasses have found microscopic material that hints at life.(Getty)

Scientists have long ago expressed their opinions on the existence of life on the moon. There is no possibility of life on the moon. However, recent research suggests that there may be a possibility of life on the moon. After sending humans to the moon in 1969 and bringing back some samples, extensive research has been conducted on the moon and its habitability. Several missions have also been sent to the moon, which have yielded a lot of information about the moon. Further research has been conducted based on those missions.

All these research indicate that the moon is not suitable for habitation. However, significant molecular evidence of life has been found in the lunar south pole's craters. These types of organisms can survive in extreme weather conditions. Researchers at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, have reported that there is evidence of life on the moon through this phenomenon.

Researchers of Artemis III have revealed that there is an atmosphere for microorganisms to survive in the lunar south pole. Although the temperature on the moon undergoes extreme changes, this notable atmosphere exists in the lunar south pole. Chemicals such as amino acids are needed for the formation of life. Scientists speculate that these elements might have been present on the moon but in a mixed state and for a short period of time. Alternatively, chemical compounds may have been formed on the moon due to the impact of a celestial body.

It cannot be claimed in any way that there is life on the moon based on these possibilities. The scientists have found evidence that the moon had volcanic activity, and they present a speculative opinion about the presence of life on the moon. They divide the possibility of life on the moon into two periods. One period was about four billion years ago when the moon was formed, and for some time after that. The other period is approximately 3.5 billion years ago. The likelihood of life existing on the moon during these two periods is highly probable.

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