Eternal freedom from endless pain! Twenty-three young women chose suicide - Trendingknowledgelive

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Eternal freedom from endless pain! Twenty-three young women chose suicide

Eternal freedom from endless pain! Twenty-three young women chose suicide

women chose suicide

 Walking was difficult. She felt unwell just by eating. Her body was constantly in unbearable pain. Lily, a 23-year-old from South Australia, had been bedridden in the hospital for the past few years.

women chose suicide

To find relief from constant pain, Lily applied for voluntary euthanasia. Last week, she signed the legal documents at the hospital. On Wednesday, Lily's wish for a peaceful death was granted. Within 10 seconds, she passed away.

women chose suicide

According to Australian time, Lily was bid a final farewell on Wednesday. In the last few hours of her life, she was surrounded by media coverage. Various news outlets around the world reported on her hospital routine.

Lily was suffering from autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy (AAG), a condition treated at the Flinders Medical Centre in South Adelaide. Gradually, her condition worsened, and she became bedridden. Walking became impossible, accompanied by progressive pain. In other words, it was her nervous system that was being affected.

Lily was kept under palliative care at the hospital to alleviate her pain. However, her condition did not show any significant improvement. Day by day, her physical health deteriorated.

Why did Lily choose voluntary euthanasia? In an interview with the Australian media outlet 'The Advertiser,' Lily said, "The pain was so unbearable that there was no meaning in staying alive. Without it, I wanted to end myself."

In the last few hours of her life, Lily wanted to fulfill a few personal wishes. Among them was visiting the seaside. The hospital authorities did not hinder Lily's desires during her final moments.

Lili was taken to the sea while sleeping on the hospital bed. She had a French fry while facing the direction of the waves, lying on the bed. She also enjoyed the taste of soft drinks. Her photo was printed in the media report.

women chose suicide

According to the report from the British media outlet "Daily Mail," Lili's health problems began in her teenage years. At the age of 17, she was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). As a result, excessive flexibility in her skin led to an excessive amount of connective tissues becoming active. She also experienced issues with her blood vessels.

A few years after being diagnosed with EDS, Lili contracted an infection in her respiratory system. Even natural bowel movements were not possible for her.

women chose suicide

Since then, Lili became ill whenever she ate food or consumed any liquids. Fluids began to drain from within her spinal cord after several days. As a result, her mobility completely ceased. Although treatment was initiated, there was no significant improvement in Lili's physical condition.

Lili sought treatment for EDS from Adelaide and was referred to Sydney. A team of specialists at Macquarie University Hospital there began her treatment. She also visited a surgeon.

Although she temporarily felt some relief in Sydney, it ultimately didn't help. From that point on, Lili had to wear a device similar to a ring around her head. This "brace" was necessary to stabilize her head or neck if there were any slight changes in the position of her spinal cord.

To eat without wearing the brace, a tube was inserted through Lili's nose. At that time, she weighed only 40 kilograms.

To facilitate digestion, a tube was inserted into Lili's esophagus using a meridian instrument. Through that tube, acid could be discharged into her stomach. During the entire procedure, outsiders were prohibited from witnessing the operation alongside Lili.

After the procedure, Lili began treatment with a neuroimmunologist in Sydney. It was determined that she was affected by AGI during that time. The doctors informed her that in the future, multiple limbs could become deformed.

Further examinations revealed a significant injury on the left side of Lili's brain. She was brought back to Adelaide from Sydney. She was admitted to Laurel Hospices at Flinders Medical Center. It was from that time onward that Lili's days of survival began.

With unbearable pain throughout her body, Lili knew that one day she would have to leave, and it was only a matter of time. Most of the time in the hospital bed was spent sleeping to alleviate the torment she felt.

During her stay at the hospital, Lili had a conversation with analyst Holland. Twenty-three-year-old Holland was also affected by AGI. Although Holland gave some comfort to Lili's family in the last days of her life, it was not enough for them. Lili said, 'I am forced to leave the hospital bed against my mother's will. Her resistance to this (euthanasia) decision is unbearable. But this decision is more correct than seeing me in pain.'"

According to reports from "Daily Mail," since January of the current year, the Australian government has granted permission for voluntary euthanasia to 28 citizens. However, they can change that decision at any moment before death.

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