Bloom survived by turning down the offer to travel to Titan - Trendingknowledgelive

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Bloom survived by turning down the offer to travel to Titan

 Bloom survived by turning down the offer to travel to Titan

jay bloom
jay bloom(Twitter)

To depict the final moments of the Titanic, five more climbers embarked on a journey to the depths of the Atlantic, exploring the ill-fated submarine Titanic's wreckage. When the unfortunate fate of the submarine Titanic was somewhat certain, a wealthy businessman from Las Vegas posted on Facebook. He had proposed offering a discounted price for two tickets to this expedition.

Three days ago, Jay Bloom wrote on his Facebook post, "I can't help but think... I could have been one of those five people on this adventure. If I had agreed, today I would have been one of those five individuals."

Jay Bloom shared a screenshot of a conversation with Stockton Rush, the CEO of OceanGate, in his own Facebook post. Stockton is one of the five climbers aboard the Titanic.

The first report about this conversation between Bloom and Rush was published by Mail Online. It stated that Bloom expressed concerns about safety. However, Stockton reassured him that it would be much safer than riding a helicopter or even going scuba diving. Stockton mentioned that there had been no incidents of injuries in the 35-year history of the submersible.

Bloom stated that he met Stockton during their previous encounter in March. They discussed this type of expedition at that time. Bloom wrote in his post that Stockton was so confident that it seemed like a walk in the park to him.

In his Facebook post, Bloom wrote, "In February of last year, Stockton offered me and my son a proposal to witness the Titanic wreck in May. However, due to adverse weather conditions, the trip was postponed. The journey finally began on June 18th."

"I was concerned about safety, but Stockton told me, 'It's safer than flying in a helicopter or even driving a car. There have been no incidents in the 35-year history of the submersible.'"

"I believed what he said. But now his confidence has been proven wrong. What he was doing, he genuinely believed in it."

"On March 1st, our last meeting with Stockton took place. He took me to see an exhibition of Titanic ship photos in the Luxor City of Egypt. Afterward, we discussed this expedition and safety at the Luxor Food Court. He was more certain about the safety of this journey than reaching our destination by road. He gave me a book of pictures as a gift, with his and Paul Henri Nargeolet's signatures."

"I informed him that due to time constraints, it won't be possible this time. Perhaps we'll try next year. The two seats that were offered to us were taken by Prince David and his 19-year-old son Suleiman David."

"Like the last time, I wish Stockton and the crew peace of mind."
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